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Biofertilizers and Organic Farming
By Reed Martin
Publisher: Alexis Press LLC
ISBN 13: 979-8-89143-043-3
YEAR: 2024
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Organic Gardening And Farming Techniques
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Agriculture In Society
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Organic Farming and Gardening: Systems and Approaches
By Ash Harris
Organic farming – an alternative agricultural system that relies on fertilizers of organic origin such as compost, manure, green manure, and bone meal and places emphasis on techniques such as crop rotation and companion planting. Biological pest control, mixed cropping, and the fostering of insect predators are encouraged. In general, organic standards are designed to allow the use of naturally occurring substances while prohibiting or strictly limiting synthetic substances.
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Agrarianism, in social and political philosophy, perspective that stresses the primacy of family farming, widespread property ownership, and political decentralization. Agrarian ideas are typically justified in terms of how they serve to cultivatemoral character and to develop a full and responsible person. Many proponents of agrarianism revere nature (whether understood as natural phenomena or as God’s creation), respect tradition and experience, distrust ideology, and regard science and technology with skepticism. Proponents of agrarianism believe that when individuals attach themselves to farming and a rural way of life, the required labour enhances their existence. Family and locale are rooted, allowing stable associations to develop that enable people to experience, in a nonacquisitive way, the goods of a grounded community, including leisure, friendship, love, art, and religion
By Ash Mcintosh
Agrarianism, in social and political philosophy, perspective that stresses the primacy of family farming, widespread property ownership, and political decentralization. Agrarian ideas are typically justified in terms of how they serve to cultivatemoral character and to develop a full and responsible person. Many proponents of agrarianism revere nature (whether understood as natural phenomena or as God’s creation), respect tradition and experience, distrust ideology, and regard science and technology with skepticism. Proponents of agrarianism believe that when individuals attach themselves to farming and a rural way of life, the required labour enhances their existence. Family and locale are rooted, allowing stable associations to develop that enable people to experience, in a nonacquisitive way, the goods of a grounded community, including leisure, friendship, love, art, and religion
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Pests And Diseases
By Lee Palmer
Together pests and diseases cause up to 40% yield losses every year. The animal groups of the most significant importance as agricultural pests are (in order of economic importance) insects, mites, nematodes, and gastropod mollusks. Insects are responsible for two major forms of damage to crops. First, there is the direct injury they cause to the plants as they feed on the tissues; a reduction in leaf surface available for photosynthesis, distortion of growing shoots, a diminution of the plant's growth and vigor, and the wilting of shoots and branches caused by the insects' tunneling activities.
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