Development Of Nursing In Hospital Environment
From the dawn of civilization, evidence prevails to support the premise that nurturing has been essential to the preservation of life. Hospitals are institutions, which are mainly designed to care for the sick, injured, and the well. The latter are usually admitted for physical checks up and investigations which cannot be done elsewhere. In our country, most of the government hospitals offer free treatment for people with poor, socio-economic conditions, which helps in the alleviation of untold misery. The word hospital is derived from the word "hopes" which means a guest. The history of nursing spans the history of humankind. For as long as there has been life, there has been the need to provide care and comfort to those suffering from illness and injury. From the dawn of civilization, evidence prevails to support the premise.
Development Of Nursing In Hospital Environment
From the dawn of civilization, evidence prevails to support the premise that nurturing has been essential to the preservation of life. Hospitals are institutions, which are mainly designed to care for the sick, injured, and the well. The latter are usually admitted for physical checks up and investigations which cannot be done elsewhere. In our country, most of the government hospitals offer free treatment for people with poor, socio-economic conditions, which helps in the alleviation of untold misery. The word hospital is derived from the word "hopes" which means a guest. The history of nursing spans the history of humankind. For as long as there has been life, there has been the need to provide care and comfort to those suffering from illness and injury. From the dawn of civilization, evidence prevails to support the premise.
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