Advances in Agronomy
Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants by agriculture for food, fuel, fiber, chemicals, recreation, or land conservation. Agronomy has come to include research in plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science. It is the application of a combination of sciences such as biology, chemistry, economics, ecology, earth science, and genetics. Professionals of agronomy are termed agronomists.
Advances in Agronomy
Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants by agriculture for food, fuel, fiber, chemicals, recreation, or land conservation. Agronomy has come to include research in plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science. It is the application of a combination of sciences such as biology, chemistry, economics, ecology, earth science, and genetics. Professionals of agronomy are termed agronomists.
Advances in Fish Research
Agrarianism, in social and political philosophy, perspective that stresses the primacy of family farming, widespread property ownership, and political decentralization. Agrarian ideas are typically justified in terms of how they serve to cultivatemoral character and to develop a full and responsible person. Many proponents of agrarianism revere nature (whether understood as natural phenomena or as God’s creation), respect tradition and experience, distrust ideology, and regard science and technology with skepticism. Proponents of agrarianism believe that when individuals attach themselves to farming and a rural way of life, the required labour enhances their existence. Family and locale are rooted, allowing stable associations to develop that enable people to experience, in a nonacquisitive way, the goods of a grounded community, including leisure, friendship, love, art, and religion
Agrarianism, in social and political philosophy, perspective that stresses the primacy of family farming, widespread property ownership, and political decentralization. Agrarian ideas are typically justified in terms of how they serve to cultivatemoral character and to develop a full and responsible person. Many proponents of agrarianism revere nature (whether understood as natural phenomena or as God’s creation), respect tradition and experience, distrust ideology, and regard science and technology with skepticism. Proponents of agrarianism believe that when individuals attach themselves to farming and a rural way of life, the required labour enhances their existence. Family and locale are rooted, allowing stable associations to develop that enable people to experience, in a nonacquisitive way, the goods of a grounded community, including leisure, friendship, love, art, and religion